CWE-365: DEPRECATED: Race Condition in Switch


This entry has been deprecated. There are no documented cases in which a switch's control expression is evaluated more than once.

Submission Date :

July 19, 2006, midnight

Modification Date :

2023-06-29 00:00:00+00:00

Organization :

Extended Description

It is likely that this entry was initially created based on a misinterpretation of the original source material. The original source intended to explain how switches could be unpredictable when using threads, if the control expressions used data or variables that could change between execution of different threads. That weakness is already covered by CWE-367. Despite the ambiguity in the documentation for some languages and compilers, in practice, they all evaluate the switch control expression only once. If future languages state that the code explicitly evaluates the control expression more than once, then this would not be a weakness, but the language performing as designed.

Related Weaknesses

This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this weakness. These relationships are defined to give an overview of the different insight to similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction.

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