Oracle Outside In Technology File ID SDK Local File Parsing Vulnerability

Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Outside In Technology component in Oracle Fusion Middleware allows local users to affect confidentiality, integrity, and availability, related to File ID SDK. NOTE: the previous information was obtained from the April 2011 CPU. Oracle has not commented on claims from a reliable third party that this issue is in (a) sccut.dll or (b) libsc_ut.so in Outside In 8.3.5.x through, as used when using the CAB file identification functionality to parse OneNote (.onepkg) files and other formats.


Published Date :

April 20, 2011, 3:14 a.m.

Last Modified :

Nov. 21, 2024, 1:24 a.m.

Remotely Exploitable :


Impact Score :


Exploitability Score :

Affected Products

The following products are affected by CVE-2011-0794 vulnerability. Even if cvefeed.io is aware of the exact versions of the products that are affected, the information is not represented in the table below.

ID Vendor Product Action
1 Oracle fusion_middleware

We scan GitHub repositories to detect new proof-of-concept exploits. Following list is a collection of public exploits and proof-of-concepts, which have been published on GitHub (sorted by the most recently updated).

Results are limited to the first 15 repositories due to potential performance issues.

The following list is the news that have been mention CVE-2011-0794 vulnerability anywhere in the article.

The following table lists the changes that have been made to the CVE-2011-0794 vulnerability over time.

Vulnerability history details can be useful for understanding the evolution of a vulnerability, and for identifying the most recent changes that may impact the vulnerability's severity, exploitability, or other characteristics.

  • CVE Modified by af854a3a-2127-422b-91ae-364da2661108

    Nov. 21, 2024

    Action Type Old Value New Value
    Added Reference http://secunia.com/advisories/44295
    Added Reference http://tools.cisco.com/security/center/content/CiscoSecurityAdvisory/cisco-sa-20111026-csa
    Added Reference http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/520721
    Added Reference http://www.novell.com/support/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=7009213&sliceId=1&docTypeID=DT_TID_1_1&dialogID=268451045&stateId=0%200%20268449309
    Added Reference http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/security/cpuapr2011-301950.html
    Added Reference http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/47437
    Added Reference http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21660640
  • CVE Modified by [email protected]

    May. 14, 2024

    Action Type Old Value New Value
  • CVE Translated by [email protected]

    Apr. 30, 2016

    Action Type Old Value New Value
    Removed Translation Vulnerabilidad no especificada en el componente Oracle Outside In Technology en Oracle Fusion Middleware v8.3.5.0 permite a usuarios locales afectar a la disponibilidad, relacionado con File ID SDK.
    Added Translation Vulnerabilidad no especificada en el componente Oracle Outside In Technology en Oracle Fusion Middleware permite a usuarios locales afectar a la confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad, relacionado con File ID SDK. NOTA: la información anterior fue obtenida de la CPU de Abril de 2011. Oracle no ha comentado sobre alegaciones de un tercero confiable que este problema está en (a) sccut.dll o (b) libsc_ut.so en Outside In 8.3.5.x hasta la versión, según se usa cuando se utiliza la funcionalidad de identificación de archivo CAB para interpretar archivos OneNote (.onepkg) y otros formatos.
  • CVE Modified by [email protected]

    Apr. 30, 2016

    Action Type Old Value New Value
    Changed Description Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Outside In Technology component in Oracle Fusion Middleware allows local users to affect availability, related to File ID SDK. NOTE: the previous information was obtained from the April 2011 CPU. Oracle has not commented on claims from a reliable third party that this issue is in (a) sccut.dll or (b) libsc_ut.so in Outside In 8.3.5.x through, as used when using the CAB file identification functionality to parse OneNote (.onepkg) files and other formats. Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Outside In Technology component in Oracle Fusion Middleware allows local users to affect confidentiality, integrity, and availability, related to File ID SDK. NOTE: the previous information was obtained from the April 2011 CPU. Oracle has not commented on claims from a reliable third party that this issue is in (a) sccut.dll or (b) libsc_ut.so in Outside In 8.3.5.x through, as used when using the CAB file identification functionality to parse OneNote (.onepkg) files and other formats.
  • Initial Analysis by [email protected]

    Apr. 20, 2011

    Action Type Old Value New Value
EPSS is a daily estimate of the probability of exploitation activity being observed over the next 30 days. Following chart shows the EPSS score history of the vulnerability.
CWE - Common Weakness Enumeration

While CVE identifies specific instances of vulnerabilities, CWE categorizes the common flaws or weaknesses that can lead to vulnerabilities. CVE-2011-0794 is associated with the following CWEs:

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC) stores attack patterns, which are descriptions of the common attributes and approaches employed by adversaries to exploit the CVE-2011-0794 weaknesses.

Exploit Prediction

EPSS is a daily estimate of the probability of exploitation activity being observed over the next 30 days.

0.06 }} 0.00%




CVSS2 - Vulnerability Scoring System
Access Vector
Access Complexity