"Bluetooth Linux Kernel Authentication Bypass"

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Bluetooth: hci_event: Align BR/EDR JUST_WORKS paring with LE This aligned BR/EDR JUST_WORKS method with LE which since 92516cd97fd4 ("Bluetooth: Always request for user confirmation for Just Works") always request user confirmation with confirm_hint set since the likes of bluetoothd have dedicated policy around JUST_WORKS method (e.g. main.conf:JustWorksRepairing). CVE: CVE-2024-8805


Published Date :

Dec. 17, 2024, 4:15 p.m.

Last Modified :

Dec. 18, 2024, 8:15 a.m.

Source :


Remotely Exploitable :


Impact Score :

Exploitability Score :

Affected Products

The following products are affected by CVE-2024-53144 vulnerability. Even if cvefeed.io is aware of the exact versions of the products that are affected, the information is not represented in the table below.

ID Vendor Product Action
1 Linux linux_kernel

We scan GitHub repositories to detect new proof-of-concept exploits. Following list is a collection of public exploits and proof-of-concepts, which have been published on GitHub (sorted by the most recently updated).

Results are limited to the first 15 repositories due to potential performance issues.

The following list is the news that have been mention CVE-2024-53144 vulnerability anywhere in the article.

The following table lists the changes that have been made to the CVE-2024-53144 vulnerability over time.

Vulnerability history details can be useful for understanding the evolution of a vulnerability, and for identifying the most recent changes that may impact the vulnerability's severity, exploitability, or other characteristics.

  • CVE Modified by 416baaa9-dc9f-4396-8d5f-8c081fb06d67

    Dec. 18, 2024

    Action Type Old Value New Value
    Added Reference https://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-24-1229/
  • New CVE Received by 416baaa9-dc9f-4396-8d5f-8c081fb06d67

    Dec. 17, 2024

    Action Type Old Value New Value
    Added Description In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Bluetooth: hci_event: Align BR/EDR JUST_WORKS paring with LE This aligned BR/EDR JUST_WORKS method with LE which since 92516cd97fd4 ("Bluetooth: Always request for user confirmation for Just Works") always request user confirmation with confirm_hint set since the likes of bluetoothd have dedicated policy around JUST_WORKS method (e.g. main.conf:JustWorksRepairing). CVE: CVE-2024-8805
    Added Reference https://git.kernel.org/stable/c/5291ff856d2c5177b4fe9c18828312be30213193
    Added Reference https://git.kernel.org/stable/c/830c03e58beb70b99349760f822e505ecb4eeb7e
    Added Reference https://git.kernel.org/stable/c/ad7adfb95f64a761e4784381e47bee1a362eb30d
    Added Reference https://git.kernel.org/stable/c/b25e11f978b63cb7857890edb3a698599cddb10e
    Added Reference https://git.kernel.org/stable/c/d17c631ba04e960eb6f8728b10d585de20ac4f71
EPSS is a daily estimate of the probability of exploitation activity being observed over the next 30 days. Following chart shows the EPSS score history of the vulnerability.
CWE - Common Weakness Enumeration

While CVE identifies specific instances of vulnerabilities, CWE categorizes the common flaws or weaknesses that can lead to vulnerabilities. CVE-2024-53144 is associated with the following CWEs:

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC)

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC) stores attack patterns, which are descriptions of the common attributes and approaches employed by adversaries to exploit the CVE-2024-53144 weaknesses.

NONE - Vulnerability Scoring System