Products and Softwares Maturity Index

This page offers a directory of technology vendors, allowing you to explore various product vendors along with a detailed count of associated vulnerabilities. It serves as a valuable resource for understanding the security posture of different technology providers, helping users make informed decisions regarding their tech investments and cybersecurity strategies.
Product Name Vendor Name Number of CVE Product Type
Interactive response Avaya 2 Application
Communication drivers Aveva 2 Application
Icontrol service manager F5 1 Application
Enterprise licensing Aveva 2 Application
Historian Aveva 4 Application
Data intelligence Sap 1 Application
Intouch Aveva 4 Application
Manufacturing execution system Aveva 3 Application
Generic market data Sap 1 Application
Mobile operator Aveva 3 Application
Plant scada Aveva 2 Application
Recipe management Aveva 2 Application
Work tasks Aveva 3 Application
Session Joomla 1 Application
Hcm travel management Sap 1 Application
Openjpa Apache 1 Application
Cool video gallery Cool video gallery project 1 Application
Qnx momentics tool suite Blackberry 1 Application
Mydvd Roxio 1 Application
Sandisk security installer Westerndigital 1 Application
Showing 20 of 117664 Results