Technology Vendor Vulnerability Posture
This page offers a directory of technology vendors, allowing you to explore various product
vendors along with a detailed count of associated vulnerabilities. It serves as a valuable resource for
understanding the security posture of different technology providers, helping users make informed decisions
regarding their tech investments and cybersecurity strategies.
Vendor Name | Number of Product | Vulnerabilities | Type |
Saurabhspeaks | 1 | 0 | Application |
Boxalino | 1 | 1 | Application |
Cryptopp | 2 | 13 | Application |
Yellosoft | 1 | 1 | Application |
Phpblogger | 1 | 2 | Application |
Web feet | 1 | 1 | Application |
Associated press | 1 | 1 | Application |
Ninka project | 1 | 1 | Application |
Wp foxly | 1 | 1 | Application |
Rsbac | 1 | 2 | Application |
Mysql project | 1 | 1 | Application |
Motionborg | 1 | 1 | Application |
Guillaume gauvrit | 1 | 1 | Application |
Visual mining | 2 | 2 | Application |
Banco santander mexico sa | 1 | 1 | Application |
Kadenvodomery | 1 | 2 | Hardware |
Sharetribe | 1 | 1 | Application |
Camunda | 3 | 3 | Application |
Storage project | 1 | 1 | Application |
Nano arena project | 1 | 1 | Application |