Operating System

has published 0 vulnerabilities in 2024.

0 have exploits , 0 scored > 90% EPSS and 0 in CISA KEV .

Total Vulnerabilities Breakdown






Total CVE Number

Vulnerability Stream by Days

Product Maturity Index

The following products are associated with the AUDIOCODES vendor. You can explore the security posture of each product by clicking on the product name.

Product Name Number of CVE Latest CVE Release Date
405hd firmware 6 Aug 11, 2023
420hd ip phone firmware 3 Apr 01, 2019
440hd firmware 1 Oct 24, 2018
445hd firmware 3 Aug 11, 2023
450hd firmware 1 Oct 24, 2018
C435hd firmware 3 Aug 11, 2023
C450hd firmware 3 Aug 11, 2023
C455hd firmware 3 Aug 11, 2023
C470hd firmware 3 Aug 11, 2023
Median 500l msbr firmware 2 Jul 20, 2019
Median 500 msbr firmware 2 Jul 20, 2019
Median 800c msbr firmware 2 Jul 20, 2019
Median m800b msbr firmware 2 Jul 20, 2019
Mediant 500l msbr firmware 2 Jul 18, 2019
Mediant 500 mbsr firmware 2 Jul 18, 2019
Mediant 800c msbr firmware 2 Jul 18, 2019
Mediant m800b msbr firmware 2 Jul 18, 2019