
has published 0 vulnerabilities in 2024.

0 have exploits , 0 scored > 90% EPSS and 0 in CISA KEV .

Total Vulnerabilities Breakdown




Total CVE Number

Vulnerability Stream by Days

Product Maturity Index

The following products are associated with the MAGZTER vendor. You can explore the security posture of each product by clicking on the product name.

Product Name Number of CVE Latest CVE Release Date
Human factor 1 Oct 19, 2014
Identity 1 Oct 19, 2014
Indian cement review 1 Oct 21, 2014
Indian jeweller 1 Oct 21, 2014
Indian management 1 Oct 21, 2014
India today telugu 1 Oct 21, 2014
Inspire weddings 1 Oct 19, 2014
Intelligent sme 1 Oct 19, 2014
Just bureaucracy 1 Oct 19, 2014
Karaf magazin 1 Oct 21, 2014
Legalera 1 Oct 19, 2014
Macau business 1 Oct 19, 2014
Magzter magazine book store 1 Sep 09, 2014
Menaka marathi 1 Oct 20, 2014
Motor 1 Oct 19, 2014
Nano digest 1 Oct 21, 2014
Penumbra emag 1 Oct 19, 2014
Sanctuary asia 1 Oct 19, 2014
Schon magazine 1 Oct 21, 2014
Sunday indian oriya 1 Oct 19, 2014