CWE-119: Improper Restriction of Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer


The product performs operations on a memory buffer, but it can read from or write to a memory location that is outside of the intended boundary of the buffer.

Submission Date :

July 19, 2006, midnight

Modification Date :

2023-06-29 00:00:00+00:00

Organization :

Extended Description

Certain languages allow direct addressing of memory locations and do not automatically ensure that these locations are valid for the memory buffer that is being referenced. This can cause read or write operations to be performed on memory locations that may be associated with other variables, data structures, or internal program data.

As a result, an attacker may be able to execute arbitrary code, alter the intended control flow, read sensitive information, or cause the system to crash.

Example Vulnerable Codes

Example - 1

This example takes an IP address from a user, verifies that it is well formed and then looks up the hostname and copies it into a buffer.

// /*routine that ensures user_supplied_addr is in the right format for conversion */// 
struct hostent *hp;in_addr_t *addr;char hostname[64];in_addr_t inet_addr(const char *cp);validate_addr_form(user_supplied_addr);addr = inet_addr(user_supplied_addr);hp = gethostbyaddr( addr, sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET);strcpy(hostname, hp->h_name);void host_lookup(char *user_supplied_addr){}

This function allocates a buffer of 64 bytes to store the hostname, however there is no guarantee that the hostname will not be larger than 64 bytes. If an attacker specifies an address which resolves to a very large hostname, then the function may overwrite sensitive data or even relinquish control flow to the attacker.

Note that this example also contains an unchecked return value (CWE-252) that can lead to a NULL pointer dereference (CWE-476).

Example - 2

This example applies an encoding procedure to an input string and stores it into a buffer.

die("user string too long, die evil hacker!");

dst_buf[dst_index++] = '&';dst_buf[dst_index++] = 'a';dst_buf[dst_index++] = 'm';dst_buf[dst_index++] = 'p';dst_buf[dst_index++] = ';';
// /* encode to < */// 

if( '&' == user_supplied_string[i] ){}else if ('<' == user_supplied_string[i] ){}else dst_buf[dst_index++] = user_supplied_string[i];
int i, dst_index;char *dst_buf = (char*)malloc(4*sizeof(char) * MAX_SIZE);if ( MAX_SIZE <= strlen(user_supplied_string) ){}dst_index = 0;for ( i = 0; i < strlen(user_supplied_string); i++ ){}return dst_buf;char * copy_input(char *user_supplied_string){}

The programmer attempts to encode the ampersand character in the user-controlled string, however the length of the string is validated before the encoding procedure is applied. Furthermore, the programmer assumes encoding expansion will only expand a given character by a factor of 4, while the encoding of the ampersand expands by 5. As a result, when the encoding procedure expands the string it is possible to overflow the destination buffer if the attacker provides a string of many ampersands.

Example - 3

The following example asks a user for an offset into an array to select an item.

char *items[] = {"boat", "car", "truck", "train"};int index = GetUntrustedOffset();printf("You selected %s\n", items[index-1]);int main (int argc, char **argv) {}

The programmer allows the user to specify which element in the list to select, however an attacker can provide an out-of-bounds offset, resulting in a buffer over-read (CWE-126).

Example - 4

In the following code, the method retrieves a value from an array at a specific array index location that is given as an input parameter to the method

// // check that the array index is less than the maximum// 
// // length of the array// 
// // get the value at the specified index of the array// 
value = array[index];
// // if array index is invalid then output error message// 
// // and return value indicating error// 

printf("Value is: %d\n", array[index]);value = -1;
int value;if (index < len) {}else {}return value;int getValueFromArray(int *array, int len, int index) {}

However, this method only verifies that the given array index is less than the maximum length of the array but does not check for the minimum value (CWE-839). This will allow a negative value to be accepted as the input array index, which will result in a out of bounds read (CWE-125) and may allow access to sensitive memory. The input array index should be checked to verify that is within the maximum and minimum range required for the array (CWE-129). In this example the if statement should be modified to include a minimum range check, as shown below.

// // check that the array index is within the correct// 
// // range of values for the array// 
...if (index >= 0 && index < len) {...

Example - 5

Windows provides the _mbs family of functions to perform various operations on multibyte strings. When these functions are passed a malformed multibyte string, such as a string containing a valid leading byte followed by a single null byte, they can read or write past the end of the string buffer causing a buffer overflow. The following functions all pose a risk of buffer overflow: _mbsinc _mbsdec _mbsncat _mbsncpy _mbsnextc _mbsnset _mbsrev _mbsset _mbsstr _mbstok _mbccpy _mbslen

Related Weaknesses

This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this weakness. These relationships are defined to give an overview of the different insight to similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction.

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