Products and Softwares Maturity Index

This page offers a directory of technology vendors, allowing you to explore various product vendors along with a detailed count of associated vulnerabilities. It serves as a valuable resource for understanding the security posture of different technology providers, helping users make informed decisions regarding their tech investments and cybersecurity strategies.
Product Name Vendor Name Number of CVE Product Type
Data center manager Intel 31 Application
Evolution Gnome 21 Application
Morgan Morgan project 1 Application
Viral marketing script Yourfreeworld 1 Application
Sa 00086 detection tool Intel 2 Application
Kill port Kill port project 1 Application
Forced matrix script Yourfreeworld 1 Application
Secureanywhere Webroot 6 Application
Serve Zeit 5 Application
Libdxfrw Libdxfrw project 1 Application
Vanilla Lussumo 9 Application
Systemd Systemd project 47 Application
Localhost now Localhost now project 2 Application
Learning management system Wisetail 2 Application
Libconfuse Libconfuse project 3 Application
Portier Portier 2 Application
Ip office Avaya 9 Application
Untrunc Untrunc project 1 Application
Libgig Linuxsampler 19 Application
Openserver Xinuos 2 Application
Showing 20 of 118347 Results