Products and Softwares Maturity Index
This page offers a directory of technology vendors, allowing you to explore various product
vendors along with a detailed count of associated vulnerabilities. It serves as a valuable resource for
understanding the security posture of different technology providers, helping users make informed decisions
regarding their tech investments and cybersecurity strategies.
Product Name | Vendor Name | Number of CVE | Product Type |
Blocks | Renzojohnson | 1 | Application |
Msnswitch firmware | Megatech | 1 | Operating system |
Social metrics | Riyaz | 1 | Application |
Ingepac da3451 firmware | Ingeteam | 2 | Operating system |
Enable now manager | Sap | 1 | Application |
Ingepac ef md firmware | Ingeteam | 1 | Operating system |
Ingepac fc5066 firmware | Ingeteam | 2 | Operating system |
Cc612 firmware | Bender | 8 | Operating system |
Onclick show popup | Gopiplus | 1 | Application |
Cc613 firmware | Bender | 8 | Operating system |
Icc15xx firmware | Bender | 8 | Operating system |
Popup contact form | Gopiplus | 2 | Application |
Icc16xx firmware | Bender | 8 | Operating system |
Wn572hp3 firmware | Wavlink | 16 | Operating system |
Wn531p3 firmware | Wavlink | 17 | Operating system |
The awesome feed | Arrowplugins | 2 | Application |
Icc613 firmware | Bender | 1 | Operating system |
Most popular posts widget | Smartfan | 1 | Application |
Dashlane | Dashlane | 1 | Application |
Storage manager 2016 | Dell | 1 | Application |