Products and Softwares Maturity Index
This page offers a directory of technology vendors, allowing you to explore various product
vendors along with a detailed count of associated vulnerabilities. It serves as a valuable resource for
understanding the security posture of different technology providers, helping users make informed decisions
regarding their tech investments and cybersecurity strategies.
Product Name | Vendor Name | Number of CVE | Product Type |
Tutor lms pro | Tutorlms | 4 | Application |
Wrc x3000gs2 b | Elecom | 2 | Hardware |
Wrc x3000gs2 w | Elecom | 2 | Hardware |
Wrc x3000gs2a b | Elecom | 2 | Hardware |
Wab i1750 ps firmware | Elecom | 4 | Operating system |
Wab i1750 ps | Elecom | 3 | Hardware |
Wab s1167 ps firmware | Elecom | 3 | Operating system |
Wab s1167 ps | Elecom | 2 | Hardware |
Events calendar pro | Theeventscalendar | 1 | Application |
Zksolc | Matter labs | 3 | Application |
Beaver builder | Wpbeaverbuilder | 3 | Application |
Collapsing archives | Robfelty | 1 | Application |
Wp delicious | Wpdelicious | 3 | Application |
Skt blocks | Sktthemes | 2 | Application |
Wp armour | Dineshkarki | 2 | Application |
Ghacitivity | Automattic | 1 | Application |
Ghactivity | Automattic | 1 | Application |
Ewon cosy 4g apac | Hms networks | 5 | Hardware |
Ewon cosy 4g eu | Hms networks | 5 | Hardware |
Ewon cosy 4g jp | Hms networks | 5 | Hardware |