Technology Vendor Vulnerability Posture

This page offers a directory of technology vendors, allowing you to explore various product vendors along with a detailed count of associated vulnerabilities. It serves as a valuable resource for understanding the security posture of different technology providers, helping users make informed decisions regarding their tech investments and cybersecurity strategies.
Vendor Name Number of Product Vulnerabilities Type
Chemcms project 1 2 Application
Combodo 2 51 Application
Netwavepr 2 2 Operating System
Axiosys 1 136 Application
Resiprocate 1 5 Application
Weaselcms project 1 5 Application
Techotronic 1 1 Application
Fhcrm project 1 2 Application
Corenlp js prefab project 1 1 Application
Posix project 1 1 Application
Dotclear 1 29 Application
Corenlp js interface project 1 1 Application
Sophos 12 34 Operating System
Convert svg project 1 1 Application
I18n project 1 3 Application
Git promise project 1 1 Application
Vtiger 1 67 Application
Mantisbt 3 120 Application
Openvpn 4 60 Application
Convert svg core project 1 4 Application
Showing 20 of 34201 Results