Initial Access Intelligence
The "Initial Access Intelligence" module is a vital tool for cybersecurity, designed to scan GitHub repositories for the latest exploit and proof-of-concept codes for new vulnerabilities. It provides users with crucial updates on potential security threats, enabling proactive defense measures. This module helps close the gap between vulnerability discovery and patching, significantly enhancing system security.
June 24, 2024, 6:58 a.m.
OmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for
Updated: 8 months ago135 stars 46 fork 46 watcherBorn at : March 14, 2012, 3:25 a.m. This repo has been linked 1 different CVEs too. -
Feb. 5, 2025, 3:55 p.m.
Since 2011, IPBan is the worlds most trusted, free security software to block hackers and botnets. With both Windows and Linux support, IPBan has your dedicated or cloud server protected. Upgrade to IPBan Pro today and get a discount. Learn more at ↓
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C# Batchfile PowerShell Shell
Updated: 2 weeks, 6 days ago1744 stars 364 fork 364 watcherBorn at : Feb. 20, 2012, 5:21 p.m. This repo has been linked 1 different CVEs too. -
Feb. 5, 2025, 8:01 p.m.
A Sentry SDK for Java, Android and other JVM languages.
sentry java android logback spring-boot log4j2 timber okhttp feign-client servlet spring apollo-client crash-reporting kotlin hacktoberfest tag-production team-mobile team-web-backend sdk
Java Makefile Shell Kotlin CMake C++ Python
Updated: 2 weeks, 6 days ago1186 stars 433 fork 433 watcherBorn at : Feb. 6, 2012, 3:46 p.m. This repo has been linked 1 different CVEs too. -
Jan. 22, 2015, 3:24 p.m.
A custom version of Audacity for advanced level (teens) of WTS workshops
Prolog C C++ Rust MATLAB Shell Objective-C Perl R Common Lisp
Updated: 10 years, 1 month ago1 stars 1 fork 1 watcherBorn at : Feb. 3, 2012, 1:15 p.m. This repo has been linked 0 different CVEs too. -
Aug. 12, 2024, 7:20 p.m.
Updated: 6 months, 1 week ago131 stars 29 fork 29 watcherBorn at : Jan. 23, 2012, 9:23 a.m. This repo has been linked 1 different CVEs too. -
Feb. 7, 2024, 6:17 p.m.
Proof of Concept for the PHP and JAVA Hashcollision Denial of service attack
Updated: 1 year ago98 stars 23 fork 23 watcherBorn at : Jan. 7, 2012, 1:52 a.m. This repo has been linked 0 different CVEs too. -
Nov. 22, 2022, 3:54 a.m.
Prolog C C++ Rust MATLAB Shell Objective-C Perl R Common Lisp
Updated: 2 years, 3 months ago27 stars 13 fork 13 watcherBorn at : Jan. 4, 2012, 3:49 p.m. This repo has been linked 0 different CVEs too. -
Jan. 28, 2023, 7:45 p.m.
Detect Hash Colisions Attach on ASP .net
C C++
Updated: 2 years ago1 stars 0 fork 0 watcherBorn at : Jan. 2, 2012, 5:16 a.m. This repo has been linked 1 different CVEs too. -
Dec. 27, 2024, 12:48 p.m.
Manage Subversion repositories via a web interface
Makefile PHP HTML Shell JavaScript CSS
Updated: 1 month, 4 weeks ago172 stars 74 fork 74 watcherBorn at : Nov. 10, 2011, 9:21 a.m. This repo has been linked 2 different CVEs too. -
March 20, 2019, 6:50 a.m.
Takes a list of CVE references and generates a 'report' containing link(s) to the RHSAs where the security issues are fixed with backported patches.
Shell Python CSS HTML Dockerfile
Updated: 5 years, 11 months ago4 stars 1 fork 1 watcherBorn at : Nov. 5, 2011, 5:53 p.m. This repo has been linked 1 different CVEs too.