Cyber Newsroom Feed

The "Cyber Newsroom Feed" module is a live feed of the latest cyber news enriched with CVE and vulnerability data. The feed is updated every 5 minutes and includes the latest news from the cyber security industry. The feed is designed to provide users with a comprehensive overview of the latest cyber security news and trends.

Vulnerability in lua-http library

CVE ID CVE-2023-4540 Publication date 05 September 2023 Vendor Daurnimator Product lua-http Vulnerable versions All including 0.4 before ddab283 commit Vulnerability type (CWE) Improper Handling of Ex ... Read more

Published Date: Sep 05, 2023 (1 year ago)
Micropatches Released For Denial of Service in Microsoft Message Queuing (CVE-2023-28302, CVE-2023-21769)

April 2023 Windows Updates brought fixes for a number of vulnerabilities in Microsoft Message Queuing Service. We first issued patches for the "Queuejumper" remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-20 ... Read more

Published Date: Jul 14, 2023 (1 year, 2 months ago)
Micropatches Released For DHCP Server Service Remote Code Execution (CVE-2023-28231)

April 2023 Windows Updates brought a fix for CVE-2023-28231, a remote code execution vulnerability in DHCP Server service. The vulnerability was reported to Microsoft by security researcher YanZiShuan ... Read more

Published Date: Jun 30, 2023 (1 year, 2 months ago)
CL0P likes to MOVEit MOVEit

CL0P likes to MOVEit MOVEit BackgroundFor the last couple of years, the threat actors associated with the CL0P ransomware group have occasionally ditched encryption in favour of exploiting file transf ... Read more

Published Date: Jun 08, 2023 (1 year, 3 months ago)
  • 360 Netlab Blog - Network Security Research Lab at 360

概述 近期,我们的BotMon系统连续捕获到一个由Go编写的DDoS类型的僵尸网络家族,它用于DDoS攻击,使用了包括SSH/Telnet弱口令在内的多达22种传播方式。短时间内出现了4个不同的版本,有鉴于此,我们觉得该家族未来很可能继续活跃,值得警惕。下面从传播、样本和跟踪角度分别介绍。 传播分析 除了Telnet/SSH弱口令,我们观察到wszero还使用了如下21个漏洞进行传播: VULNE ... Read more

Published Date: Dec 07, 2022 (1 year, 9 months ago)
Everything you need to know about the OpenSSL 3.0.7 Patch (CVE-2022-3602 & CVE-2022-3786)

Discussion thread: Vulnerability Details From X.509 Email Addres ... Read more

Published Date: Nov 01, 2022 (1 year, 10 months ago)
  • 360 Netlab Blog - Network Security Research Lab at 360

概述 本文聚焦于云上重点资产的扫描攻击、云服务器总体攻击情况分析、热门漏洞及恶意程序的攻击威胁。 360高级威胁狩猎蜜罐系统发现全球9.2万个云服务器IP进行网络扫描、漏洞攻击、传播恶意软件等行为。其中包括国内39家单位所属的云服务资产IP,这些单位涉及政府、医疗、建筑、军工等多个行业。 2022年4月,WSO2多个产品和Apache Struts2爆出高危漏洞,两个漏洞技术细节已经公开,并且我们 ... Read more

Published Date: May 11, 2022 (2 years, 4 months ago)
[Video] Exploiting Windows RPC – CVE-2022-26809 Explained | Patch Analysis

Walking through my process of how I use patch analysis and reverse engineering to find vulnerabilities, then evaluate the risk and exploitability of bugs. ... Read more

Published Date: Apr 23, 2022 (2 years, 4 months ago)
  • 360 Netlab Blog - Network Security Research Lab at 360

概述本文聚焦于云上重点资产的扫描攻击、云服务器总体攻击情况分析、热门漏洞及恶意程序的攻击威胁。360高级威胁狩猎蜜罐系统发现全球12万个云服务器IP,进行网络扫描、漏洞攻击、传播恶意软件等行为。其中包括国内156家单位的服务器IP,涉及大型央企、政府机关等行业。Spring厂商连续公开3个关键漏洞,CVE-2022-22947、CVE-2022-22963、CVE-2022-22965,本文将对前 ... Read more

Published Date: Apr 19, 2022 (2 years, 5 months ago)
  • 360 Netlab Blog - Network Security Research Lab at 360
Fodcha, a new DDos botnet

OverviewRecently, CNCERT and 360netlab worked together and discovered a rapidly spreading DDoS botnet on the Internet. The global infection looks fairly big as just in China there are more than 10,000 ... Read more

Published Date: Apr 13, 2022 (2 years, 5 months ago)


Showing 10 of 1098 Results