Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification : CAPEC

CAPEC™ helps by providing a comprehensive dictionary of known patterns of attack employed by adversaries to exploit known weaknesses in cyber-enabled capabilities. It can be used by analysts, developers, testers, and educators to advance community understanding and enhance defenses.
ID Name Action
CAPEC-401 Physically Hacking Hardware
CAPEC-402 Bypassing ATA Password Security
CAPEC-406 Dumpster Diving
CAPEC-407 Pretexting
CAPEC-410 Information Elicitation
CAPEC-412 Pretexting via Customer Service
CAPEC-413 Pretexting via Tech Support
CAPEC-414 Pretexting via Delivery Person
CAPEC-415 Pretexting via Phone
CAPEC-416 Manipulate Human Behavior
CAPEC-417 Influence Perception
CAPEC-418 Influence Perception of Reciprocation
CAPEC-420 Influence Perception of Scarcity
CAPEC-421 Influence Perception of Authority
CAPEC-422 Influence Perception of Commitment and Consistency
CAPEC-423 Influence Perception of Liking
CAPEC-424 Influence Perception of Consensus or Social Proof
CAPEC-425 Target Influence via Framing
CAPEC-426 Influence via Incentives
CAPEC-427 Influence via Psychological Principles
CAPEC-428 Influence via Modes of Thinking
CAPEC-429 Target Influence via Eye Cues
CAPEC-433 Target Influence via The Human Buffer Overflow
CAPEC-434 Target Influence via Interview and Interrogation
CAPEC-435 Target Influence via Instant Rapport
CAPEC-438 Modification During Manufacture
CAPEC-439 Manipulation During Distribution
CAPEC-440 Hardware Integrity Attack
CAPEC-441 Malicious Logic Insertion
CAPEC-442 Infected Software
CAPEC-443 Malicious Logic Inserted Into Product by Authorized Developer
CAPEC-444 Development Alteration
CAPEC-445 Malicious Logic Insertion into Product Software via Configuration Management Manipulation
CAPEC-446 Malicious Logic Insertion into Product via Inclusion of Third-Party Component
CAPEC-447 Design Alteration
CAPEC-448 Embed Virus into DLL
CAPEC-452 Infected Hardware
CAPEC-456 Infected Memory
CAPEC-457 USB Memory Attacks
CAPEC-458 Flash Memory Attacks
CAPEC-459 Creating a Rogue Certification Authority Certificate
CAPEC-460 HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP)
CAPEC-461 Web Services API Signature Forgery Leveraging Hash Function Extension Weakness
CAPEC-462 Cross-Domain Search Timing
CAPEC-463 Padding Oracle Crypto Attack
CAPEC-464 Evercookie
CAPEC-465 Transparent Proxy Abuse
CAPEC-466 Leveraging Active Adversary in the Middle Attacks to Bypass Same Origin Policy
CAPEC-467 Cross Site Identification
CAPEC-468 Generic Cross-Browser Cross-Domain Theft
Showing 50 of 559 Results